//Added by Danzel 2021/5/10 Patch:Released products/New product [tableStr(InventTable),[[fieldNum(InventTable, TEK_ItemCustomer), formControlStr(EcoResProductCreate, TEK_ItemCustomer)]]], //Added by Danzel 2021/5/10 end
createData2Controls增加了判断,具体没弄清楚判断的含义,测试服发现if内部增加代码未生效,猜测其他新增物料界面,else的新增入口为:Released products/New product
Check createData2Controls() and writeMoreFields() methods on EcoResProductCreate form. If you add control to the form, you should map it with table field in the first method, that should help.
For now, take a look how it's done in createData2Controls() and add your field. I guess, you have added new field in InventTable so you must map it with form control providing table name (tableStr(InventTable)), field id fieldNum(InventTable, your field) and form control name (formControlStr(EcoResProductCreate, your control) - remember to set AutoDeclaration to Yes).